- Investment Banking
- Asset Management
- Futures Business
- Cross-border Financial
- Fund Management
- Fixed Income Business
- Margin trading and short-selddng
- Stock Pledge
- Research Services
- Over-the-counter Market Services
- Agency Sale
- PB Services
- Stock Options
- Equity Innovation Services
- Asset Securitization Services
- Brokerage Services
Asset Securitization Services
Unlike traditional securities offerings based on enterprises, asset securitization is a form of financing based on a specific pool of assets that involves taking a group of relatively illiquid assets that could nonetheless create a steady stream of cash flow, and by restructuring their risks and cash flows, packaging them into financial products of different ratings that may be sold and freely traded in the financial markets.
Based on the Company's strategic objective of "actively creating a modern investment bank with domestic first class core competitiveness that provides clients with integrated financial services", the asset securitization services team at the wealth management services headquarters, supported by the Company's nationwide branch and affiliate network advantages, actively seeks inclusive finance, consumer finance, public utilities and infrastructure, supply-chain finance, accounts receivables and other quality assets, and upon rigorous risk evaluation and review, builds a channel that links quality assets and existing capital, creating asset-backed products that meet the needs of both fundraisers and investors.