- Investment Banking
- Asset Management
- Futures Business
- Cross-border Financial
- Fund Management
- Fixed Income Business
- Margin trading and short-selddng
- Stock Pledge
- Research Services
- Over-the-counter Market Services
- Agency Sale
- PB Services
- Stock Options
- Equity Innovation Services
- Asset Securitization Services
- Brokerage Services
The QFII trading desk at the wealth management services headquarters was set up in 2004, and provides qualified foreign institutional investors (QFII) and RMB qualified foreign institutional investors (RQFII) various services supported by a stable and efficient system, and a professional team.
We have
I)Highly experienced sales and trading, as well as dealing teams with overseas training/work experience, and excellent Chinese-English communication skills, capable of handling all types of orders
II)Multiple and efficient order channels
III)First class trading platform
IV)Comprehensive risk control
The services we offer include
I)Quality agency trading and execution services
II)Compliant investment consulting and advisory services
III)Customized research services
IV)Comprehensive daily communication services